Changing How Problems Are Presented

…using a Notice and Wonder approach to ask a question. Present a problem scenario without a question, then let students ask the questions. Strategy 5: Reversing the…

How a Health Diagnosis Made My Math Skills All Too Relevant (And Why Math Education Is Critical for Public Health)

adults are lacking. In addition, I had to deal with elapsed time, another concept that some adults struggle with. My six meals had to be spaced 2-3 hours apart, with…

Ten Mathematical Facts You Won’t Believe! Number Six Will Shock You!

…and 7. True! You can see two of her original graphs here: 8. False! Counting one number every second, it would take you over 11.5 days to count…

Math and Hispanic Heritage Month

…development specialist for TERC’s Adult Numeracy Center. Most recently, she helped co-develop Adults Reaching Algebra Readiness (AR)2 with Donna Curry. She is a national trainer for LINCS and Adult Numeracy…

Our Projects

…CALM PD support is free to Massachusetts adult ed teachers but available to other states for a fee. Website: Download an Info Sheet on CALM Adults Reaching Algebra Readiness…

Beginning Steps in Addressing DEI in a Math Classroom

…Massachusetts. She helped co-develop Adults Reaching Algebra Readiness (AR)2 with Donna Curry. She is a national trainer for LINCS and ANI (Adult Numeracy Instruction). Pam enjoys sharing techniques for teaching math…


affiliate with the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM). We are a community dedicated to quality mathematics instruction at the adult level.  » Read more Will This Be on the Test?…

Risk, Probability, and Parenting

…[2] [3] Melissa Braaten is an adult education instructor at Catholic Charities Haitian Multi-Services Center in Dorchester, MA. Melissa has taught ASE and pre-ASE math and reading, as…

Meet Our Team

Heidi Schuler-Jones Director Sherry Soares Project Manager Connie Rivera Professional Development Specialist The Adult Numeracy Team Our exceptional team of math curriculum developers, professional development facilitators, instructors,…

Meeting Minerva: A Journey of Discovery in Mathematical Identity

…no evidence to the contrary for him, and the fact that I didn’t know even the name of a Mexican mathematician, but I did know that Pythagoras was afraid of…